Anchor’s coupons feature offers multiple options so you’ll be able to setup any discount or promo you need.
Non-Unique Promo Codes: These are Standard Promo offers for a percentage or dollar amount off the ticket price. These can be either internal by only your reservations teams or external (such as a Facebook or email blast offer)
Unique Coupons / vouchers - Allows the guest to use a code only one-time. Most commonly used for comp vouchers, but may also be used to extend percent or dollar discounts as well in which you do not want the code to be able to be passed/shared.
Vouchers, with Invoicing– Used to apply 100% discount the guest reservation while also creating an invoice to bill a company (Groupon for example)
X for Y – Such as a 2 for 1 (BOGO) Offer, allow guests to receive a set amount of tickets for the price of less